Tuesday, September 23, 2008


A Smile To Remember

We had goldfish and they circled around and around
in the bowl on the table near the heavy drapes
covering the picture window and
my mother, always smiling, wanting us all
to be happy, told me, "be happy Henry!"
and she was right: it's better to be happy if you
but my father continued to beat her and me several times a week while
raging inside his 6-foot-two frame because he couldn't
understand what was attacking him from within.
my mother, poor fish,
wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a
week, telling me to be happy: "Henry, smile!
why don't you ever smile?"
and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the
saddest smile I ever say
one day the goldfish died, all five of them,
they floated on the water, on their sides, their
eyes still open,
and when my father got home he threw them to the cat
there on the kitchen floor and we watched as my mother

Friday, September 19, 2008

the man with beautiful eyes

your life is your life
know it while you have
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

(Charles Bukowski)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

powerful quotes from Eckhardt Tolle

"Being is not only beyond but also deep within every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This means that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don't seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still. When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt, but it can never be understood mentally. To regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of "feeling-realization" is enlightenment."

"Be present as the watcher of your mind -- of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations. Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react. Notice also how often your attention is in the past or future. Don't judge or analyze what you observe. Watch the thought, feel the emotion, observe the reaction. Don't make a personal problem out of them. You will then feel something more powerful than any of those things that you observe: the still, observing presence itself behind the content of your mind, the silent watcher."

(Eckhardt Tolle)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


a test kultiválása is a kultúra része..nem elég az agyat, a lelket, a testet is táplálni kell..sokkal kiegyensúlyozottabbak vagyunk higyjétek el heti 2 edzés kell.. az agy is jobban fog működni..ha gimiben nem hagyom abba a kézit sokkal jobban fogott volna az agyam mostmár tudom..minden mindennel összefügg v.milyen szinten..tegnap este pl azt álmodtam hogy temettek valakit egy focipályán..hosszas gondolkodás után rájöttem hogy a pingponggal kapcsolatos érzelmeimet temettem..megbeszéltem magammal hogy nem fogom alább becsülni magam azért mert mást választottak helyettem a csapatba..ez által nem lettem kevesebb, sőt sokoldalúnak gondolom magam, máris tervezem a jövő nyári Ernesto visit és golfkiruccanást..
valami elmúlik, de mindig helyébe lép egy új dolog..ez a természet rendje..és ez igy jó.
ime 1 kitűnő példa:






Saturday, September 6, 2008

quote of the day

In a letter to Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung wrote "My studies in astrology are fascinating...I have come to the firm conclusion that at the moment of birth an individual takes on the characteristic state of the Universe for that moment in time."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

when im down

akkor mindig van 3 zene ami megnyugtat: leonard cohen, jeff buckley és pj harvey

károlyi kert

a legkedvesebb kertem pesten..leülni egyik padjára szikrázó napsütésben és csak bámulni az odatévedő embereket, gyerekeket nagyon jóleső érzés..jók a rezgések ott és ez nemcsak feng shui hanem globálisan kapcsolódik vmi vmihez vmilyen szinten.
sok a nemtörődöm rohanó ember, nem figyelünk egymásra..napi 10perc egy parkban és meg lehet tanulni..csak sajnos nem azok az emberek gyakorolják akiknek szüksége lenne rá..én viszem is a könyvem munka után bicajommal kimegyek oda olvasni..amig még tart a nyár.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the music of chance

i will collect all those moments in my life when my decision led me to a direction different from the other 1 that i could have chosen..how chance and sudden moments and decision can change our destiny i was always wondering about what could have happened in my life if i choose the other option?